You should never talk politics on your blog, unless it’s a political blog…but bear with us.


We analyze which of the 8 customer types you have. Politics fall under the category we call “Constituencies”. Sports and religion are other fields where the customers have similar behaviors. Maybe we will blog about sports someday, may be.


There are two types of customer behaviors in the “Constituency” category. They are the Loyalists and the Personality Driven. Hillary has far more Loyalists than Bernie Sanders does.


Bernie Sanders is a classic Personality Driven organization. Ronald Reagan was like that as is Donald Trump. What Bernie did with “Feel the Bern” was brilliant.


We help you connect to your ideal client, what we call “sweet spots.”


What we connect them to is the best description possible of what you transform and how you transform it. We want your marketing to help people see your energy and how that helps them.


That is why “Feel the Bern” is awesome, in our opinion as a marketing message.


It tells you that not only is there a new state of being that makes you better and safer, you also get a clear almost playful sense of the leader and his followers.


That’s hard to do in 3 words. They did it.


Do your Customers Feel your Bern clearly enough?


If they don’t, maybe click here…..

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