Dating is fun… remember?
by admin | Feb 22, 2016 | Blog |
Whether you are in a stable relationship or not, we all have done the dating thing. Sometimes it was nice even very nice and sometimes not. But, in the end, it sure beats not engaging, especially when you are young.
Really, marketing is just like dating. You are searching for new partners to exchange value with. Not every one you run across will be a good fit. In fact, most won’t. Just like dating…
Some client engagements start off well but end up going badly fast…Sound Familiar? Can we get an amen to that ?
So dating is work. Its hard work. Sorting through all the choices to find the right client err mate can be exhausting.
Its on you to remind yourself about the payoffs of getting the right new customer or client. It is worth doing as much as you can.
Because the more you welcome them, they more they will come. You set the tone in your marketing that makes people seek you out.
You have to appear ready to date.
So ask people to join with you. Ask them often. Don’t be shy, you are awesome.
Marketing is helping your business mingle til it tingles. Get on with it.