History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes

I worked at a McDonalds for 46 months, 15 days, 8 and a half hours. But who is counting. After 6 months there, you can do anything. They replace a crew every 6 months by average, so I became very senior, very fast. It was the perfect job for a college student. My...

Could Have is just Should in a nicer outfit

We mostly coach with consulting thrown in when needed.   Coaches have one job…..encourage…….   We ask 4 questions of our clients. Do they understand where they are? Do they have clear goals people buy into? Do they have a plan to get to the goals? Do people understand...

Feel your Bern

You should never talk politics on your blog, unless it’s a political blog…but bear with us.   We analyze which of the 8 customer types you have. Politics fall under the category we call “Constituencies”. Sports and religion are other fields where the customers have...

I’ll take the cake

We are not cake fans. It may not be obvious from the title of this blog piece. We would rather have pie. Pumpkin is preferred, followed by cherry and then marionberry.   So often, as we set goals and define tactics, we spend very little time on what the rewards...
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